We establish the scene with a headset resting on a table silhouetted by a desk lamp. A vertical ray of light scans over the headset to reveal the VCT logo. A hand reaches into frame and grabs the headset.

Starting rigged to the headset in a third person POV, the camera travels backwards through the room and out the window, revealing a landscape reminiscent of Serra do Mar outside of São Paulo.

We quickly zoom through more gameplay moments. The crowd goes wild.

The camera zooms in tight on a team logo on a player’s jersey, causing us to match cut to the same logo cut into an environment in a drone shot perspective.

We will quickly match cut to the remaining 9 team logos that are cut into the environment like crop circles. They will all be centered with the same scale as the camera subtly zooms in.

We land on our final team logo. The camera tilts up to the LA horizon where we find the VCT logo extruded in large 3D type on the ground with the CTA text below it telling viewers where to watch. Skyline and palm trees form the backdrop.

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